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05/04/2022Setting your prices as a coach or consultant isn’t easy, but making pricing mistakes sure is. No ma...
04/27/2022Decreasing oppression, especially as it relates to pay, sounds like a great idea. So why aren’t mor...
01/26/2022I used to love the concept of “pay for performance.” It seemed so concrete! So ideally suited to ge...
06/07/2021One size fits all works great for scarves and ponchos, but for consulting rates? Not so much. Sever...
04/18/2021So many signals from the universe tell us everything we could/should do in order to conform to R...
04/11/2021As a salary negotiation coach who’s also managed salary offers inside companies, I’ve seen just abo...
04/01/2021Many organizations have been racing to implement (or update) “fair pay” and “pay equity” plans, fue...
03/21/2021There’s no clear path for pricing freelance services. But you can avoid the biggest pricing mistake...
02/22/2021One of the biggest tips I give my salary negotiation clients is around emotional distancing. Why? E...
02/09/2021In writing and publishing my first book this year, I learned so much about the technical aspects of...
11/20/2020I’ve learned a ton from publishing a book. Most of it has been great, but I’m not going to lie: the...
11/12/2020As a salary negotiation coach, one of the questions people ask me the most is how to manage the flo...
11/03/2020I’m taking a big step with my business this year: I’m applying for BCorp certification! If you’re n...
10/19/2020Just like a physical space, your mind can become cluttered with things that don’t serve you. What’s...
06/08/2020My favorite coaching clients are compassionate leaders. They’re respectful and caring, and they und...
04/23/2020When you start a new job, there’s a ton to think about. What needs to get done? Who’s your boss (an...
04/16/2020Whether you’ve just been promoted or have recently been hired into a new role, getting started on t...
03/26/2020In my never-ending quest to read every available leadership book, I’ve read some awesome ones. The ...
03/18/2020In my work with the compensation committees of boards of directors, as both an internal compensatio...
02/19/2020When you truly want to deliver your very best performance, whether it’s on the playing field or at ...
02/13/2020Peak performance is no accident. It requires not only hard work, but preparation, focus and intenti...
01/29/2020Most folks I know cringe at even the thought of making mistakes. Especially the perfectionists I kn...
01/24/2020So many of my clients — both women and men — get trapped by aspiring to perfectionism. “Brave, Not ...
01/09/2020Even the smartest, best executives can get tripped up when negotiating their pay packages. I’...
12/24/2019One of the biggest ways you can impact the performance of your team when you’re a leader is recogni...
12/18/2019Want to know how important appreciation is in the workplace? The book, “Appreciate: Celebrating Peo...
12/02/2019One of my favorite things to do as a leader is to celebrate my team’s success. It’s so much fun! Bu...
11/26/2019Let me begin by saying that I think everyone should have a coach. Everyone (including me)! But you ...
11/13/2019Michael Bungay Stanier’s book, “The Coaching Habit: Say Less, Ask More, and Change the Way You Lead...
11/06/2019In my training to become a leadership coach, I realized that so many of the skills required for gre...
10/31/2019While “Building a StoryBrand” is a marketing must-read for every small business owner and entrepren...
10/24/2019Your Personal Brand — how you show up, authentically — is a mix of your Principles (wha...
10/16/2019Your leadership brand — how you show up as a leader and how you’re perceived — is becoming increasi...
09/30/2019Congratulations on your promotion! Do yourself (and your team) a favor, and start your new job off ...
09/24/2019In my mastermind in North Carolina last week, we completed some reflection exercises, looking back ...
09/17/2019You might wonder why I’m including “Failing Up,” an autobiography from Broadway and Hollywood star,...
08/28/2019What’s scaring you? Is that fear preventing you from doing something important in your life? Some f...
08/21/2019What’s the most important factor in your leadership success? I’d argue that it’s not your own knowl...
08/15/2019After hearing Jennifer Garvey Berger speak at a conference, I couldn’t wait to read her latest book...
07/31/2019If you’ve ever wondered why some leaders are able to accomplish so much more than others, the answe...
07/26/2019When was the last time you thought about how you’re leading your team? I mean really thought about ...
07/18/2019Working with a team this week to design a leadership development program made me think hard about w...
06/21/2019The book, “When,” by Daniel Pink is crammed full of things about time and timing that make so much ...
06/20/2019One of the most important things you can do as a leader is to help your team manage their time bett...
06/19/2019Getting better at managing your time is forever work, and requires lots of give and take. Managing ...
05/17/2019I’ve become fascinated by the topic of productivity – it comes up frequently with my leadership coa...
05/01/2019In a recent talk with college students about pay negotiation (at Skidmore College – go Thoroughbred...
04/11/2019As a part of my salary negotiation coaching practice, I wanted to learn more about negotiating skil...
04/04/2019Ever wonder what’s going on inside an organization when you’re in the process of pay negotiation? H...
03/29/2019Want the ultimate guide to connecting with people at work? Read Never Eat Alone, by Keith Ferrazzi....
03/26/2019Networking – ugh! It can feel so fake and weird. What to do? Network like a pro with these tips fo...
03/08/2019I’m in Asheville, NC this week for a mastermind group, and it’s SO awesome!What is a mastermind, yo...
02/26/2019Why limit joy, gratitude, and abundance to your personal life? Great things are possible when joy, ...
02/20/2019What if a designer made a study of joy? Ingrid Fetell Lee did just that with her book, "Joyful." Ge...
02/14/2019The simple act of keeping a gratitude journal has the power to change your life, but did you know i...
01/17/2019I got so much great feedback about the first book review I did (Your Brain at Work, by David Rock),...
01/10/2019Your best year yet. That sounds exciting, doesn’t it? Want in? Here’s my 5-step plan for setting yo...
12/18/2018My little dog, Jeffrey, has a pretty great life. While he doesn’t exactly smile, it’s easy to...
12/11/2018So many people focus on doing stuff that they don’t give themselves the benefit of really experienc...
12/04/2018Of course, you want to develop yourself, but it can be hard to decide what to include in your devel...
11/27/2018Working on a proposal this week gave me the opportunity to reflect on my philosophy of leadership c...
11/20/2018When you upgrade any of these common attitudes (scarcity, waiting, security, saving, options, fear,...
11/14/2018Creating the future you want for yourself can be intimidating. But you can make it easier on yourse...
10/29/2018When my leadership coaching clients wanted to learn more about themselves, I designed some workshee...
10/08/2018Your Brain at Work, by David Rock, is one of my favorite books I’ve read this year. This book shows...
10/08/2018I read a ton of books for work – some are about coaching, some are about business, and books like Y...
09/19/2018The bad news is that you’re not a whiz at negotiating pay. And the other bad news is that you’ll al...
09/12/2018I’m traveling across the country for business this week, and it occurred to me that the stuff I’ve ...
08/27/2018Learning, growth, and transformation are all great goals. But change isn’t easy! Follow these...
08/20/2018High-performing teams do everything better. They get more accomplished. Their results are superior....
08/06/2018Focusing on your development and learning can feel selfish. It takes time, and often, it takes mone...
07/30/2018What do you stand for? What are you great at? What is your reputation? How do you want to be known?...
07/23/2018Think about a time when everything was just awesome. You were happy and fulfilled. Ahh! Those are w...
07/16/2018You know that feeling when you’re about to do something important, and you just can’t make yourself...
07/09/2018Control freaks: let it go! There are 3 main categories of stuff, and only one category you can – an...
07/02/2018It’s so easy to not get things done. Email, phone calls, impromptu meetings can all eat up your ent...
06/25/2018The buzz at a networking meeting I attended last week was all about giving. We were all talking abo...
06/18/2018Today’s porous boundaries between work and home can wreak havoc on productivity — thinking about wo...
06/11/2018Negotiating complex pay packages isn’t easy. And very few people I know actually enjoy the process....
05/14/2018Superpowers are wonderful and can take you far in life. But when taken too far, they can work to yo...
05/14/2018You know that feeling . . . you’re JUST SO MAD! And it doesn’t make sense? Or when you’re so much m...
05/14/2018You already have superpowers! Seriously. Not everyone can do what you can do. Even if it comes natu...
05/14/2018Principles are your deeply held values; they’re what you stand for. Things like honesty, a sense of...
05/07/2018As a leadership coach, there are a few things that make my ideal clients stand out from the rest. I...
04/30/2018Making progress on the playground’s monkey bars is simple: grab a bar, let go of the one behind you...
04/20/2018Change is hard. Sometimes, it’s super-hard. Five steps forward, then two steps back. So notice your...
04/11/2018When a yogi I met recommended that I keep a Gratitude Journal, I thought, “Blecch. Journals. Can...
02/01/2018Everyone agrees that strategic vision is crucial to leadership, but there are lots of different ide...
02/01/2018Resilience is all about bouncing back. It’s about risk-taking, too, because there’s not tons to bou...
02/01/2018Being able to communicate clearly with your team (and others) is essential to high-quality leadersh...
02/01/2018Nobody does Curiosity better than 5-year olds. And Curiosity is one of the five skills that make ev...
02/01/2018Compassion is key for anyone who wants to be a people-first leader. And Compassion is one of the fi...
12/31/2017Here’s a challenge for you: take a half day to figure out how you can get more time in your life. D...
12/31/2017Asking one simple question can lead to better decision-making, all around. Here it is: “How do...
12/31/2017Because time management is such a popular topic with my leadership coaching clients, I put my best ...
12/31/2017If you work in a large company, or ever have in the past, chances are you’ve run across a Leader Ar...
12/31/2017The best-kept secret of leadership is that there are a million ways to do it right. Everyone has th...
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