As a leadership coach, there are a few things that make my ideal clients stand out from the rest. Ideal clients get more and better results from coaching than do others, and I attribute those results to 4 powerful key factors: my ideal clients Show Up, they’re Open, they’re Vulnerable, and they Do the Work.
Ideal leadership coaching clients have 4 things in common. They show up, they're open, they're vulnerable, and they do the work. Share on XShow up.
If leadership coaching is a priority for you, show it! Be on time to sessions, try your best to not reschedule, and be present, without distractions. If you find yourself checking email or texts during a coaching session, chances are pretty good that you’re not focusing on your coaching. It’s intense work that deserves your attention and priority. After all, you’re the only one who can do this work for yourself!
Be open.
Your coach sees things from a different perspective, and ideally can see around your blind spots. So much more is possible for you when you can let go of your preconceptions. Some questions your coach will have for you may sound like they’re from left field (or outer space!), but there may be connections your coach is seeing that can help you get closer to your goal. Coaching is a great place to try new perspectives and to be curious.
Be vulnerable.
Coaching is confidential, so there’s no reason to hold back, and you can only get to the good stuff by going deep. You can’t transform without growth, and growth can be scary. My clients who have shown the most vulnerability in our sessions have made the greatest progress toward their goals.
Do the work.
My favorite clients have one thing in common: they’re committed to the process. Your coach will probably give you big questions to ponder or assignments to do between sessions. Make sure you do them! Think about the stuff you’ve been working with your coach on when you’re not in session. Believe it or not, the magic happens between the sessions. Some of your biggest “aha” moments will happen when you’re not meeting with your coach. They might come when you’re adopting a new way of doing things at work, or when you notice an opportunity to use a new skill — even when you’re drinking your morning cup of green tea!
If you’re a leadership coaching client, how have you used these Powerful 4? If you’re a coach, which factors lead to breakthrough results for your clients? Tell us in the comments below!