So many signals from the universe tell us everything we could/should do in order to conform to “normal.” (And I admit to asking myself occasionally why I can’t seem to be more normal.)

There are 3 big reasons normal is overrated:

  • You’re special
  • Everyone else is, too
  • Our collective uniqueness brings us power
You're not normal...nor should you be! There are huge benefits to being a weirdo. #personalbrand #weirdosunite Share on X

You’re special

It’s easy to think that everything we can do, everyone else can, too. Or if something’s easy or fun for us, it’s bound to be easy/fun for everyone.


I was in my 30s before I discovered that not everyone believed that brainstorming was the best part of work. Seriously, I did not know that it was possible for people to think it was un-fun or not easy. What a wake up call!

When you find those things that you’re great at or delight in that other people don’t, take note. Those could be great elements of your personal brand or if you’re an entrepreneur, differentiators in your service or product offerings.

You’re not a weirdo. (Well, maybe you are, but that’s great!)

Everyone else is special

We also think that things others can do, we should be able to, too. Or if we can’t, there’s something wrong with us.

It’s okay to not be able to do things that others can. It’s not okay to define yourself by that limitation. And it minimizes others’ gifts when we always expect to be able to do what they can.

We are all imbued with awesomeness. And when we recognize our own awesomeness, it’s easier to recognize others.’

Our collective uniqueness is powerful

When we put our special gifts together, we can do more and do better. Just like Power Rangers.

Having multiple problem-solving strengths on your team means you can unlock way more puzzles. (An aside: the Kolbe A index is a fantastic way to discover your problem-solving gifts. I’m certified and love the Kolbe theory, if you ever want to chat about it!)

This is exactly why diversity (of all kinds) makes such a difference in innovation and teamwork.

So, here’s to getting off the hamster wheel of normal, going for “special,” and connecting with our collective awesomeness! Why would you want to be normal?